Comms Setup
6. Machine Setup
Comms Setup
The machine network system in a store can consist of a mixture of label and receipt machines.
The system supports any combination of machines in the XM and XT ranges (If they have the
same software version).
Scale networks can be connected in a wired or wireless ethernet setup.
Scales can be set up as:
Each scale is independent. Communication is only possible to a back office
: One or more client scales receives its data from a server scale. The number of
clients that can be supported on a network depends on server performance.A back office host
can communicate with the server which will then communicate with the clients.Scales set up
in such a way can share resources and information (operators, PLUs, and so on). Local price and
product updates can be made at any of the scales. Floating vendor is possible, whereby an
operator moves from one scale to another, picking up live transactions from a particular
customer at the scale they have moved to.
: Each scale is configured as a server. If there is a back office software application
this communicates with all the scales.
Each scale holds its own product file and floating vendor is not possible.
Peer Group
: Each scale is configured as a server in the same way as a multi-server network but
local price and product updates can be made at any scale and communicated across the scales
configured within the same peer group.