Configuration Settings
5. System Setup
This sets various machine parameters.
Auto Subtotal Display
Sets whether the Subtotal is displayed after each transaction.
Idle Timeout
Applies to self-service mode. Sets the length of time in seconds (0-3600 (one hour))
that the scale is inactive after a customer selects a product, or scans a tare container,
before the transaction is cancelled and idle time adverts are displayed.
Leading Zero Suppression
Sets whether the leading zeros are displayed.
Logging Level
This controls the amount of diagnostic information that the machine stores.
Maximum Transaction
Sequence Number
Default: 999999
Numeric Entry Timeout
Sets the time that the numeric keypad is open.
Price Separator
Sets the price separator character
Receipt Tax Printing
Sets the format for tax information that appears on the receipt
Receipt Void Printing
Sets whether voided items are shown on the receipt.
Receipt Total Weight Printing
Sets whether the receipt total weight is printed on the receipt.
Subtotal Display Timeout
Sets the length of time in seconds (0-100) that the subtotal remains on screen.
Tax Reference in Description
Set whether a tax reference is shown on the receipt.
Stock Print Prices
Select the report header from the list.
Report headers are set in the System Data Messages:
Report Header
Sets the message on the report header.
Self-service Non Weighed
Advert ID
Select the Self-service Non Weighed Advert ID from the list.
Self-service Non Weighed Adverts are set either in MXBusiness, or in Service Mode.
When the scales are put into Self-service Mode, you can restrict the selection of a
non-weighed PLU and display an advert instead.
When an advert is specified, selecting a non-weighed PLU causes the advert to be
displayed for the duration specified in the advert and the scale to return to the Home
Self-service Keypad Timeout
Sets the time that the self-service keypad remains open (0 to 9999 seconds).
Speaker Volume
The loudspeaker volume adjustment is for the XT model only.
Set the speaker volume (0 to 99), where 0 is Quiet and 99 is Loud.
Change Display Timeout
Sets the Display Timeout value in seconds.
Web Home Page
Sets the web address for the home page
Web Address Entry
Enables or disables the ability to enter a web address into the built-in Web browser.
Maximum Queue Number
Sets the range of numbers (1-9999) that will be displayed by the queue management
system. The text programmed in message ID 3, category 34 (Miscellaneous Messages)
is displayed in addition to the customer number each time the number is changed.
The default text is "Customer Number".
If the media folder contains an image named
"queueimage.jpg" then the customer display will overlay the number on the image.
Current Queue Number
The currently active queue number.
Dot Saving
Enabled or Disabled. Disabling the feature stops worn printer dots from being tuned
off which cause the characteristic vertical white lines in the text.
Trace Weight Status
Controls the batch weight values panel on the traceability screen. By default it is
enabled but may be disabled to allow for situations where some of the batch is
traded on different manufacturers machines.