Step 3. Edit An Input Statement’s Properties,
Continued on next page
Used only
with Lists.
Note that
with the ANY
Opcode you
can specify
how many
points within
the list must
meet the
criteria for
the input
condition to
be true.
Trouble Ack
ANY Opcode.
When any point within the list enters a trouble condition, the
input condition is TRUE until the troubles are acknowledged.
ALL Opcode.
All devices within the list must enter a trouble condition for the
input condition to be TRUE. If this occurs, the condition is TRUE until all
troubles are acknowledged.
ANY Opcode.
The input condition is TRUE when the physical state of any
point within the list is normal.
ALL Opcode.
The input condition is TRUE when the physical state of all
points within the list is normal.
ANY Opcode.
The input condition is TRUE when the physical state of any
point within the list is abnormal (current limited). One typical use for this
qualifier is to verify the physical location of a fire in high-rise building. Once the
location of the fire is determined (i.e., locate the detectors with a Physical
Abnormal state), the output side of the equation can be used to pressurize only
the floor(s) with detectors in this state, and ignore any pull stations that may
have been pulled (and may or may not be on the fire floor).
ALL Opcode.
The state of all devices within the list must be Physical
Abnormal for the input condition to be TRUE.
ANY Opcode.
The input condition is TRUE when the physical state of any
point within the list (or any point’s wiring) is open.
ALL Opcode.
The circuit state of all devices within the list must be open for
the input condition to be TRUE.
ANY Opcode.
The input condition is TRUE when the physical state of any
point within the list (or any point’s wiring) is shorted.
ALL Opcode.
The circuit state of all devices within the list must be shorted for
the input condition to be TRUE.
ANY Opcode.
The input condition is TRUE when any point within the list is
ALL Opcode.
All points within the list must be disabled for the input condition
to be TRUE.
ANY Opcode.
The input condition is TRUE when any signal circuit (NAC) or
relay within a list is ON or coding (i.e., sounding/flashing in march time,
temporal, etc.). A typical use for this qualifier is to use the relay or NAC as a
switch for some other action.
ALL Opcode.
All signal circuits or NACs within the list must be ON or coding
for the input condition to be TRUE.
Table 10-1. Input Opcodes and Qualifiers,