CNC Setup Utility Manual
P/N 70000490C - Index
All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice
error messages, 3-2
warning messages, 3-3
editor mode, setup parameters, table, 2-12
effectivity notation, 1-1
emergency stop, on servo fault, 2-68
enable radius compensation error checking
(MC_1032), 2-4
phase, description, 2-16
resolution, calculation examples, 2-73
enter key, description, 1-4
error messages
code ranges, 3-1
editing, 3-2
file loader, 2-82
E-Stop key, illustration, 1-3
example calculations, encoder resolution,
example, tool changer macro, 2-91
execution mode, DNC, 2-84
Exit (F10), 1-4
external accuracy (MC_1008), 2-3
F3, IndexP, 5-16
F6, TuneMod, 5-1
F7, Tuning, 5-1
F7, VelTune, procedure, 5-8
fast fourier transform (FFT), 5-4
feed ramp size in ms (MC_4315), 2-62, 5-14
switch, 2-60, 2-61
switch, illustration, 1-3
FFT, fast fourier transform, 5-4
file loader, error messages, 2-82
fine-tuning, velocity controller, 5-7
FIR filter, 5-4
first touch feedrate (MC_1163), 2-11
fixed replacement, 2-90
force simulation mode (MC_1015), 2-4
format, laser file, data, 2-80
frequency tune, manual test, 5-11
friction feedforward, description, 5-8
G28, homing cycle command, 2-83
G33 acceleration feedFwd. gain (mA)
(MC_2241), 2-31
G33 colomb friction feedFwd. gain (mA)
(MC_2242), 2-31
G33 gain table enable (MC_2237), 2-30
G33 pos. control prop. gain (1/min)
(MC_2240), 2-31
G33 vel. control integral timecons (.1ms)
(MC_2239), 2-31
G33 vel. control prop. gain (mAs/rev)
(MC_2238), 2-30
G41 (left of path), 2-56
G42 (right of path), 2-56
G59 (corner rounding), 2-56
gauge 1 active (MC_5103), 2-68
gauge 1 name (MC_5104), 2-68
gauge 1 type (MC_5105), 2-68
gauge 2 active (MC_5106), 2-69
gauge 2 name (MC_5107), 2-69
gauge 2 type (MC_5108), 2-69
gauge 3 active (MC_5109), 2-69
gauge 3 name (MC_5110), 2-69
gauge 3 type (MC_5111), 2-69
gear change RPM (MC_2971), 2-44
gear ranges used (MC_2972), 2-44, 2-77
grid (MC_1103), 2-5
grid size (MC_1104), 2-5
handwheel active (MC_4100), 2-57
handwheel axis (MC_4102), 2-57
handwheel axis parameters
description, 2-57
fixed, 2-57
MP switch, 2-57
SK switch, 2-57
handwheel phase (MC_4104), 2-58
handwheel resolution (MC_4101), 2-57
handwheel resolution parameters
fixed, 2-57
MP switch, 2-57
SK switch, 2-57
handwheel scaling factor (MC_4103), 2-57
handwheel, resolution settings, 2-57
handwheel, setup parameters, table, 2-57
high setting for
M40 gear ranges (MC_2962), 2-43, 2-77
M41 gear ranges (MC_2964), 2-43, 2-77
M42 gear ranges (MC_2966), 2-43, 2-78
M43 gear ranges (MC_2968), 2-43, 2-78
M44 gear ranges (MC_2970), 2-43, 2-78
hold key, illustration, 1-3
preset (MC_4201), 2-58
preset, setting, 2-60
required (MC_4200), 2-58