Mio Modero R-4 Remote - Instruction Manual
Data List Commands (Cont.)
Clears all rows in a given list.
"'^LDC-<list address>'"
• list address = address where data resides
SEND_COMMAND Device, "'^LDC-1'"
Clears all rows in data list located at address
Deletes the data list
"'^LDD-<list address>'"
• list address = address where data resides
SEND_COMMAND Device, "'^LDD-1'"
Deletes the data list located at address
Set the column type for a data list by modifying its column type. Column is the index of the first type to set. Additional types sent
will be set in this order:
0 - Text
1 - Reserved
2 - Reserved
3 - Channel
4 - Page
SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,"'^LDT-<list address>,<column>,<type>,<type>…'"
• list address = address where data resides
• column = the starting column number (first column is 1)
• type = subsequent columns. 0 - Text; 3 - Channel; 4 - Page
SEND_COMMAND Device,"'^LDT-1,1,0,0,0'"
Sets the column type for the data list located at address 1. The column type starts at column 1, the first column is Text, the
second and third columns are also Text.
Modifies the data in a single column field. This can be used to load a data list that has long text fields.
SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,"'^LDL-<list address>,<column>,<uniflag>,<primary data>,
<data column>'"
• list address = address where data resides
• column = the starting column number (first column is 1)
• uniflag = indicates unicode; 0 - No unicode, 1 - Uses unicode
• primary data = the "key" data column. The information in this column provides each row with its uniqueness.
• new cell data = data information for a single field or "cell"
SEND_COMMAND Device,"'^LDL-1,1,0,Entry5,Music'"
The field located in column 1, in the row with the primary data "Entry5" and in the data list located at the address of 1 is a text
value of Music.
Example (unicode):
SEND_COMMAND Device, "'^LDL-1,1,1,0045006E0074007200790035,004D0075007300690063'"
The field located in column 1, in the row with the primary data "Entry5" and in the data list located at the address of 1 is a text
value of Music.
Set the table column display order according to the order of the entered column values.
SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,"'^LVC-<view address>,<column>,<column>…'"
• view address = the address of the view definition
• column = the column number to display (first column is 1)
SEND_COMMAND Device,"'^LVC-3,5,2,1'"
Sets the column display order to column 5 first, then column 2 and then column 1. The data list is displayed according to the
view definitions located at address 3.