Mio Modero R-4 Remote - Instruction Manual
Listboxes provide flexibility to remote pages once constrained by physical display areas. Both static and dynamic tables can display
multiple devices and items when used with proper navigation tools. List Box commands can be used in conjunction with the
to create both static and dynamic commands.
Any data field (including primary data) may be enclosed in double quotes so that commas within that data field will not be
interpreted as delimiters. Within the double quotes in such a field, the backslash (\) is treated as an escape character so that double
quote literals can still be used within the field. When a backslash is encountered, it is discarded and the following character is
treated as a literal. This meansthat if a backslash is part of the data field, it needs to be escaped with a preceding backlash as well.
When a column or row number is required as a field in any command, note that the numbering begins at 1, not 0 (i.e. the first
column is column 1 and the first row is row 1).
There are no hard limits enforced for the number of list boxes and such list box parameters as list address and column count. The
range is determined by available memory, which is affected by things like how many lists are defined and how many items will be
added for each list.
List Box Commands
The Mio R-4 supports Data List Box Commands.
Data List Commands
Creates a new data list. Unique list addresses and names are handled programmatically.
It is up to the program to make sure the list address and name are unique.
"'^LDN-<list port>,<list address>,<column count>,<list name>'"
• list port = 1-100. Port where data resides
• list address = address where data resides
• column count = the number of data columns (includes hidden columns)
• list name = User specified name for the data list
SEND_COMMAND Device, "'^LDN-5,1,4,my songs'"
Creates a data list of
columns named "
my songs
" and places it at port
, address
Adds a new row to an existing data list. Primary data is required.
SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,"'^LDA-<list address>,<uniflag>,<primary data>,<data2>…'"
• list address = address where data resides
• uniflag = indicates unicode; 0 - No unicode, 1 - Uses unicode
• primary data = the "key" data column. The information in this column provides each row with its uniqueness.
• data2 = variable, column data information. The number of data fields is limited only to the number of columns in the data list.
SEND_COMMAND Device,"'^LDA-1,0,Entry5,Meatloaf,Best of,Anything for Love'"
Adds a text row to the data list located at address 1. The primary data is set as Entry5. Meatloaf, Best of, and Anything for Love
are all cells within the new row.
Example (unicode):
Adds a unicode text row to the data list located at address 1. The primary data is set as Entry5. Meatloaf, Best of, and Anything
for Love are all cells within the new row.
Removes a row from an existing data list.
SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,"'^LDR-<list address>,<uniflag>,<primary data>'"
• list address = address where data resides
• uniflag = indicates unicode; 0 - No unicode, 1 - Uses unicode
• primary data = the "key" data column. The information in this column provides each row with its uniqueness.
SEND_COMMAND Device,"'^LDR-1,0,Entry5'"
Removes the text row with primary data Entry5 from an existing data list at address 1.