Operator’s Manual
How To Use This Manual
This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1,
About Your New System
, describes what your system does and
how it is used. It also identifies the system's different modes of operation,
provides a brief overview of the T
, and describes the
equipment installed and used with your system.
Chapter 2,
Controlling Monitors, Cameras, and Output Devices
discusses how you use the T
to select monitors and
control cameras—both manually and automatically. It also describes how
to toggle the state of an output and how to clear alarms.
Chapter 3,
Defining Automatic System Functions
, provides procedures on
how to set up those system functions (such as Quick Views, Patterns and
Sequences) that the user can initiate. It also provides procedures on how
to set up those system functions (such as alarms and timed events) that
happen automatically.
Chapter 4,
On-Screen Programming
, provides procedures for configuring
monitors, naming cameras, setting the system time and date, and
scheduling timed events.
Chapter 5,
, describes those system utilities that
can be initiated from the menu, and provides instructions on how to use
those utilities.
Appendix A,
Programming Worksheets
, contains worksheets that will
make the task of programming your system easier. The worksheets
provide you with a means of listing the dome numbers and names,
programmed Quick View and Patterns, input and output devices, as well
as their associated states. In addition, there are worksheets for setting up
Sequences, alarms, and timed events. Make plenty of copies of the
worksheets for future use.
Appendix B,
Video Matrix Switcher: Alarm and Relay Connections
provides information about connecting the 8 alarm inputs and 1 relay
output to the rear of the video matrix switcher.