The blinking area on Monitor 1 when an on-screen form (such as Camera
Naming or Event Scheduling) is displayed. It indicates which field on the
screen is currently active. It can be moved using the Tracker Ball or the
Next button.
A camera housed inside a plastic dome. The system can be used to control
programmable SpeedDomes, non-programmable SpeedDomes, MiniDomes,
and SpeedDome LTs.
duration time
The amount of time, in seconds, that an event within the Sequence will
remain on the monitor before it is replaced by another event.
A Quick View, Pattern, or fixed shot included in a Sequence.
One of 32 available Patterns, Quick Views, or fixed shots that can be
scheduled to run at specified times on specified days during the week
using the Event Scheduler.
fixed shot
The view of whatever a camera happens to be “looking at” when it is called
up on the monitor.
To instantaneously flip the SpeedDome 180° in the opposite direction of
where it is currently pointing.
The process of adjusting the clarity of a scene or an object, as seen through a
ID code
A way of identifying the type of dome that is currently selected. This code is
helpful if you need to explain to a technical support representative what kind
of domes are installed at your facility.