4.10. SNMP configuration.
This unit can be remotely managed using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) using
one of the many client pieces of software available in the market, even for free. SNMP allows
monitoring of the status of several pieces of equipment from very diverse manufacturers and
natures, as well as elaborating reports, generate e-mail alerts, etc.
You can access the configuration menu in “Configuration“
AEQ PHOENIX Audiocodecs (Mercury, Venus, Studio and STRATOS) can connect to up to 3
SNMP clients, installed in remote PCs, by simply configuring their IP addresses in the “SNMP”
tab of previous menu. Once one or more SNMP clients are connected and the corresponding
“MIB” descriptive file has been loaded (it can be downloaded from the equipment's Web
Interface: see section 7.8 of this manual), the audiocodec will send/accept different types of
informations to/from each client:
1. Alarms (Traps): Provide information relating to certain equipment's events that can be
considered as alarms. They usually have two possible states: Active or Inactive. The list of
alarms defined for Phoenix STRATOS is as follows:
phxCh1NoTxAudioAlarm (Audio detection event at Channel 1's input)
phxCh1NoRxAudioAlarm (Audio detection event at Channel 1's output)
phxCh2NoTxAudioAlarm (Audio detection event at Channel 2's input)
phxCh2NoRxAudioAlarm (Audio detection event at Channel 2's output)
phxCh1NoAudioSyncAlarm (Sync event at Channel 1 while connected)
phxCh2NoAudioSyncAlarm (Sync event at Channel 2 while connected)
phxCh1CallEndAlarm (Call ended on Channel 1 due to incoming RTP traffic loss)
phxCh2CallEndAlarm (Call ended on Channel 2 due to incoming RTP traffic loss)
phxOtherAlarm (Other alarms, see name) -> Fail to register in SIP PROXY server,
activation / deactivation of BACKUP interface for Ch1 and/or Ch2.
coldStart alarm (Starting from unit off. This is an standard SNMP alarm, it appears only
one time and has no activation or deactivation).
These alarms are sent whenever they change, but we can choose from the SNMP client which
ones are shown / treated and which not.
The first 4 audio alarms are configurable and they are activated whenever the incoming or
outgoing (depending on the particular alarm) audio level is below a certain threshold for a given
time, parameters that are set either by means of the Control Phoenix software, or using the
following SET commands. For example, alarm “phxCh1NoTxAudioAlarm“ will become Active
whenever audio from ch1 input has a level below the threshold defined by
“phxCh1TxAudioThreshold“ during a longer time than specified by “phxCh1TxAudioInterval“.
2. Configurations (SET): adjustments related to some of the above defined alarms (the SNMP
client will configure them by means of "SET" commands, although in the case of Phoenix units,
they can also be modified by means of “AEQ ControlPHOENIX” remote control software):