2.2.5. Interfaz X.21/V.35.
DB25 physical connector.
DB25 connector pinout identification
Allows an external terminal adapter (TA) to be connected at speeds of 64/128/256 kbps. Two
types of TA can be used:
V35 (V11) interface: Uses unbalanced asynchronous control signals, while the
synchronous clock and data signals are balanced.
Interface which, at the physical level, is compatible with X.21 / RS422 protocol levels.
The pin-out detail and the signals available in the DB-25 connector are the following:
Pins 4 and 5, equivalent to RS232 RTS and CTS signals, are strapped internally. The AEQ
PHOENIX STRATOS can be configured to define whether the DCD signal will manage
communication (DCD CONTROLLED) or, on the contrary, the connection will be without DCD
management (PERMANENT). In the latter case, it will only be necessary to connect the six
shaded signals to establish the connection to the terminal adapter.
Disconnecting the V.35 interface while the equipment is powered up could cause
internal damage.
To connect the AEQ PHOENIX STRATOS with an external V35 Terminal Adapter, you will need
to search in the TA user's manual for the exact pinout matches.
Because the TA equipment currently on the market has a great variety of connectors, AEQ
cannot provide details of all the possible connections. The following table shows, as an
example, the connection to an ISO-2593 standard terminal adapter in an MRAC-34 connector.