BACKUP option configuration
AUTORECALL MODE: this submenu allows you to specifiy the way the selected
communications channel will act when the unit starts up: no action or establish back the
last active call when the unit was turned off (due to a power supply failure, for instance),
in several way. This function, combined with BACK UP function, provides ways to
ensure a high disponibility link, solid to face to any kind of trouble that may appear.
Please consult section of this manual for a detailed description.
RX BUFFER MODE (only for IP interface): configuration of the reception buffer as
adaptive or fixed; in the former case its size will be variable according to the
transmission network conditions, or fixed at value X according to manual configuration.
This option will appear only when IP interface is selected, because V35 and ISDN
modes are synchronous and there is no need to delay the audio because recepction is
guaranteed with no network delay when there is no communication failure.
RX BUFFER MODE menu detail
RX BUFFER (MAX) (only for IP interface): maximum size value of the reception
buffer. In the case of an adaptive buffer, from this value upward the Phoenix STRATOS
would begin to adjust itself on the basis of the transmission network status. If BUFFER
FIX (fixed) is defined, this maximum value will be the same as the minimum value, since
the size will not change during the entire duration of the connection. Value in
milliseconds. The higher the buffer, the lower the probability of packets loss, but in
addition the delay will be higher, specially when the selected mode is FIX.
Configuration of the maximum reception buffer size
AUTOANSWER (IP interface) / OFF HOOK (ISDN interface): allows the automatic
answer mode to be activated (ON for IP, AUTOMATIC for ISDN). This option will not
appear when V35 interface is selected.
AUTOANSWER URI (IP interface) / OFF HOOK NUMBER (ISDN interface): enables
the automatic answer mode to be associated with an IP identifier (URI) of the calling
equipment (or with a number or pair of numbers -128Kbps- in case of an ISDN
connection). When calls come in from other URIs (or ISDN numbers), the unit reports
their reception and behaves as it world be in manual answering mode, never rejecting
any incoming call.
<unit_name>@<SIP_server_domain> type (for instance, “[email protected]”), it’s
NOT enough to use just the <unit_name> as identifier.
This option will not appear when V35 interface is selected.