DEST MEDIA PORT: value of the IP port selected for transmitting audio at destination
over IP. Minimum value 1,024. Maximum value 65,534. For instance 1026.
NOTE: These values must be crossed (although the four ones can be the same) in both
encoding ends in order to be able to establish the bidirectional communication.
DEST MEDIA PORT menu detail
SmartRTP MODE (ON or OFF): the “SmartRTP“ functionality from AEQ greatly
simplifies the task of making an RTP call. When operating Phoenix family of
AudioCodecs with this mode activated, it is only required that the “caller” launches the
call. The remote equipment will automatically answer and send its audio stream to the
callers IP and port. Further, the AudioCodec will also detect and automatically select the
encoding algorithm that the calling unit is using to initiate the communication. The call
does not need to be manually accepted and the hang-up event (from any end) will also
be signaled to either unit.
SmartRTP MODE menu detail
SYMMETRIC RTP (ON or OFF): this option forces the local unit to send audio to the
same IP and port from which it is receiving audio (it will ignore the IP specified when
you call and the port configured in DEST MEDIA PORT). This option will allow you to
connect to an equipment with unknown IP and/or port (because it’s behind a router with
NAT, for instance). Obviously, the other equipment must know our IP and audio port.
SYMMETRIC RTP menu detail
RTP Statistics: this option provides information regarding RTP communication status
when it is established (buffer and jitter size, number of sent/received packets, number of
lost packets, number of errors…).
RTP Statistics menu detail
Forward Error Correction: This option enables the different modes of error correction
Forward Error Correction menu detail.
For further information on the protocols and technical details involved in communication, we
recommend consulting ANNEXE C of this manual. Please notice that RTP Point to Point is a
complex configuration mode, suitable for permanent connections that some equipment may not
support. Specifically, it can’t be used to connect to Phoenix Mobile.