EKI-9500 Series User Manual
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
Interface Summary
The Routing IP Interface Summary page shows summary information about the rout-
ing configuration for all interfaces.
Routing Mode
The administrative mode of routing on the device. The options are as
Enable: The device can act as a Layer 3 device by routing pack-
ets between interfaces configured for IP routing.
Disable: The device acts as a Layer 2 bridge and switches traffic
between interfaces. The device does not perform any internet-
work routing.
ICMP Echo Replies
Select this option to allow the device to send ICMP Echo Reply mes-
sages in response to ICMP Echo Request (ping) messages it receives.
ICMP Redirects
Select this option to allow the device to send ICMP Redirect messages
to hosts. An ICMP Redirect message notifies a host when a better
route to a particular destination is available on the network segment.
ICMP Rate Limit
The maximum burst interval for ICMP error messages transmitted by
the device. The rate limit for ICMP error messages is configured as a
token bucket. The ICMP Rate Limit Interval specifies how often the
token bucket is initialized with tokens of the size configured in the
ICMP Rate Limit Burst Size field.
ICMP Rate Limit
Burst Size
The number of ICMP error messages that can be sent during the burst
interval configured in the ICMP Rate Limit Interval field.
Static Route Prefer-
The default distance (preference) for static routes. Lower route-dis-
tance values are preferred when determining the best route. The value
configured for Static Route Preference is used when using the CLI to
configure a static route and no preference is specified. Changing the
Static Route Preference does not update the preference of existing
static routes.
Local Route Prefer-
The default distance (preference) for local routes.
Maximum Next
The maximum number of hops the device supports.
Maximum Routes
The maximum number of routes that can exist in the routing table.
Global Default Gate-
The IP address of the default gateway for the device. If the destination
IP address in a packet does not match any routes in the routing table,
the packet is sent to the default gateway. The gateway specified in this
field is more preferred than a default gateway learned from a DHCP
server. Use the icons associated with this field to perform the following
To configure the default gateway, click
button and specify the
IP address of the default gateway in the available field.
To reset the IP address of the default gateway to the factory
default value, click
button associated with this field.
to save the values and update the screen.
to update the screen.
to restore default value.