Using Help
Adobe Premiere Pro Help
Editing a Sequence
Using Help
Trimming using slip and slide edits
Just as ripple and rolling edits allow you to adjust a cut between two clips, the slip and
slide edit tools are useful when you want to adjust two cuts in a sequence of three clips.
You do this by dragging the center clip with the appropriate tool left or right. When you
use the slip or slide tools, the Program view displays the four frames involved in the edit
side by side, except when editing audio only.
Program view during a slip or slide edit
Though slip and slide tools are typically employed on the center of three adjacent
clips, each tool functions normally even if the clip is adjacent to a clip on one side and
blank space on the other.
A slip edit shifts a clip’s In and Out points forward or backward by the same number of
frames in a single action. By dragging with the slip tool, you can change a clip’s starting
and ending frames without changing its duration or affecting adjacent clips.
In this slip edit, a clip is dragged left, moving its source In and Out points earlier in time.