Downloading the Patient’s Study Data
Following a patient’s study night, the study data can be accessed for review and downloaded from the Patient
Information Portal.
If the data has not yet been uploaded to the Portal, verify that the Tablet is powered ON and there is network
connectivity either through the data plan or Wi-Fi.
Login to the Portal.
If the patient is listed in the Patient Updates on
the home page dashboard, click the link Open
Study in Data Viewer.
If the patient is not listed on the home page,
find the patient and open their database.
The Study History Information section will list
the studies that have been completed for the
patient. Choose the study you want to review
and click the link Open Study in Data Viewer.
Each Study Event will be categorized by:
type, date, time stamp, details and download
availability. A completed study will appear in
the Study Event Type column as “NightData”
and will have a green download icon under
Download File column.
A red download icon indicates that there was not
enough data collected during the study night.
Only single study nights can be downloaded from
the Portal.
To download a study, click on the download
icon associated with the study.
Click Download Data.
Studies are downloaded as single nights only.
To view a multi-night study, use the Open Study
function in the File Menu of the Data Viewer.
Select Save File and Click OK.
Unsuccessful study nights will not open in the
Data Viewer.