possible to set a method for enabling each special level, which can be "1-bit object" (the
1-bit communication objects "[General] Display lighting 1 or 2" will activate special levels 1
or 2 when they receive, respectively, the values "1" or "0", as configured) or "Scene",
which activates levels 1 or 2 when the parameterized scene value is received through the
object "[General] Scene: receive".
LED blink object:
when enabling this parameter, a new 1-bit communication object
is displayed: "[General] LED Blink", which will light up (during the time specified in the
parameter "Blink time", in the range 1-20 seconds) every ZAS button containing a LED
whenever the value "1" is received.
This option may be useful when connecting ZAS to a presence detector, so that when it
detects movement in the room to be controlled, it sends the value "1" through a
communication object that must be linked to the same group address as the object
"[General] LED Blink". In that moment, the LEDs of the ZAS buttons will light up during
the parameterized time, thus allowing locating, even in the darkness, where the ZAS
buttons are.
Touch locking.
This function allows locking and unlocking the ZAS buttons. The
following fields can be configured:
Locking method:
ZAS buttons may be locked by means of: the 1-bit object
"[General] Touch lock" (
with value “0” or “1”, configurable), scenes (configurable scene
number 1-64), or automatic locking (establishing the time to pass between the last key
press and the automatic locking
–time to lock–, in seconds).