9 Technical Data and Conformity | 9.3 Performance Data and Specifications | GeminiSEM 460
Specimen mounts:
One carousel 9x specimen holder (for stubs) in-
cluded in base tool configuration, various specimen holders available
as option
Plasma cleaner
Integrated plasma cleaner:
Chamber mounted plasma cleaner for
removal of hydrocarbon contamination from both specimen and
chamber; integrated software control for user defined cleaning cycles
without user interaction after starting the cleaning process
Airlock (optional)
Allows you to quickly transfer the specimen into the specimen cham-
ber without breaking the system vacuum. Moreover, the use of an air-
lock minimizes contamination of the specimen chamber and reduces
pumping times thus speeding up the specimen exchange procedure.
Detection System
Detection system
Detection system equipped for parallel detection and signal process-
ing of multiple detector channels:
Up to 16 detector channels (optional), 4 detector channels (default)
Up to 3 TV inputs (optional), 1 TV input (default)
Parallel detection, processing, and display of up to 4 channels
Any 2 detector signals can be mixed for enhanced image information.
TV Camera image and detector images can be displayed simultane-
InLens detectors
InLens SE detector:
Column-mounted scintillator detector with optically coupled photo-
multiplier for high efficiency surface sensitive InLens SE detection
EsB detector (optional):
Column-mounted high efficiency scintillator detector with optically
coupled photomultiplier for detection of energy and angle selective
backscattered electrons. Filtering grid adjustable from 0 V to −1.5 kV
for energy filtering
The InLens SE detector and the EsB detector can be used in parallel
Chamber detectors
aBSD/aBSD-LH detector (optional):
Pneumatically retractable 5 or 6 segment multi-mode solid state BSE
detector; enables materials contrast, crystal orientation, and topo-
graphic imaging. Enables in-situ 3D surface reconstruction and quanti-
tative 3D metrology.
VP-BSD detector (optional for NanoVP mode):
Pneumatically retractable 5 segment multi-mode solid state BSE de-
tector integrated into the beamsleeve aperture; enables materials con-
trast, crystal orientation, and topographic imaging. Enables in-situ 3D
surface reconstruction and quantitative 3D metrology.
AsB detector (optional):
Four-quadrant solid state BSD diode (each segment 10 mm²) inte-
grated in the Gemini objective lens for the detection of angular selec-
tive backscattered (AsB) electrons. BSD imaging is possible at accelera-
tion voltages above 1 kV. Allows operation at short working distance.
Instruction Manual ZEISS GeminiSEM series | en-US | Rev. 2 | 349500-8138-000