IM 54051-E
the Measurement Data
If the received data is to be transferred to Excel, double-click on the “Transfer” tab. If
not, proceed to step 6.
A screen for selecting to which Excel file and in which format the data is transferred will be displayed.
When there is a need to transfer the received measurement data to Excel, select either
"Transfer to the new file" or "Transfer to the specified file".
If "Transfer to the specified file" is selected, click on the "Browse..." tab and select the
Excel file to which the data is transferred. (It is also permitted to enter the specified file
name.) Then, it is allowed to select "Sheet Form" for designating the data format by
which the measurement data is transferred to Excel.
Click on the [Start] button.
A screen showing the progress of data reception will be displayed. “Comm...” will also be displayed on the screen
of the main unit.
When data reception has been completed, the received data will be displayed on the personal computer as follows.
If “Transfer to Excel” is selected in step 5, Excel will automatically be initiated and the received data will be
transferred to Excel.
- End of procedure
1 Receiving the Data on the Personal Computer