IM 54051-E
This instruction manual describes how to operate the TM10 Thermo-Collector.
Intended Readers
This manual is primarily intended for two groups of readers: “operators” who actually mea-
sure temperatures with this TM10 Thermo-Collector and, “engineers” who are qualified to
perform setup and data processing operations for this instrument.
Structure of the manual
This manual is organized into the following four parts:
Information Required before Use
This part explains basic information, including the names and functions of each component
of this instrument and how to input characters, etc. Read this part before using this instru-
Preparation for Measurement
This part explains “Thermo-Collector” software and how to perform setup. This part must be
read before starting preparation for temperature measurement.
Temperature Measurement
This part explains the major operations required to actually measure temperatures. Read this
part before commencing temperature measurement.
Utilizing the Measurement Data
This part explains the procedures for outputting the data measured with this instrument to a
personal computer or printer. Read this part to use or analyze the data measured with this
Checking contents of the package
Perform a visual check on the TM10 Thermo-Collector to make sure it is not damaged.
In addition, make sure that the following items have been supplied. If any of the items are
missing, please contact the dealer where this product was purchased.
Keep this box in case this product needs to be returned to Yokogawa M&C Corporation.
Item name
TM10 Thermo-Collector
“Thermo-Collector” software installer FD
LR6 alkaline dry cell
Dust-proof seal (for sealing screw holes on the back of the main unit)
Instruction Manual (this document)