IM 54051-E
To see the average of the measured data
The main unit has a function to calculate the average of the measured data recorded on the
tags or logs. This is useful when pieces of data have been collected and the average is re-
To activate this function, press the [FUNC], [3], and [2] keys, in this order and in the Home
Also, to obtain the maximum and minimum values, press the [FUNC], [3], and [2] keys, in
this order and in the Home screen.
To sound a chime at the specified time (the chime function)
The main unit has a function called the chime function to sound a chime at a time specified by the
operator. This function is similar to an alarm clock.
The chime can be made to sound so as to signal the operator to start temperature measurement.
To activate this function, press the [FUNC], [6], and [2] keys, in this order and in the Home
To view the screen in a dark place (the backlight function)
The main unit has a backlight function, which provides a light source so that the operator can
view the screen in a dark place. To activate this function, press the [FUNC], [9], and [1] keys,
in this order and in the Home screen.
The backlight will be turned off if no operation is performed on the main unit for about 10
To turn off the electronically generated sound
The main unit has a function to turn off the key operation sound and the alarm. Use this
function if the electronically generated sound is disturbing you.
To activate this function, press the [FUNC], [9], and [2] keys, in this order and in the Home
5 Other Useful Functions