IM 2560A-01EN
The 2560A can source thermoelectromotive force (voltage) that corresponds to specified temperatures
after performing reference junction compensation. It is also possible to source thermoelectromotive
force without reference junction compensation.
Reference Junction Compensation Mode
Select the reference junction compensation (RJC) mode from the available options below. The 2560A
corrects the sourced thermoelectromotive force (RJC) according to the selected mode.
• When an External RJ Sensor Is Detected
When the 2560A detects that an RJ sensor is connected to the external RJ sensor input terminal
on the rear panel, the 2560A sources thermoelectromotive force that is corrected using the
temperature measured by the external RJ sensor.
• When an External RJ Sensor Is Not Detected
If an RJ sensor is not connected to the 2560A or is not detected, the 2560A applies its internal
RJ sensors 257875 are sold separately as accessories. An RTD Pt100 can also be used as an RJ
The 2560A sources thermoelectromotive force that is corrected using the temperature of its output
Manual Input
You can set the reference junction temperature with the main setting dials. The 2560A sources
thermoelectromotive force that is corrected using the specified temperature. If you do not want to
apply correction (not use the RJC function), set the temperature to 0.00°C.
Selectable range: –20.00°C to ++60.00°C
Reference Junction Temperature Display
The reference junction temperature is displayed with 0.01° resolution.
• If the external or internal reference junction temperature goes below –20°C, which is outside the
specification range, –199.99 is displayed. If it goes above +60°C, –199.99 is displayed, In both
cases, the RJC indicator will blink.
• If you change the polarity from positive to negative in manual input mode and the setting goes
outside the manual-input selectable range, the setting and polarity displays will blink. If you turn
any of the main setting dials in this condition but the setting still remains outside the manual-input
selectable range, the setting is changed to −20.00°C, and the blinking will change to solid.
Difference in Resistance R0 of the External RJ Sensor
Turn deviation dials 1 and 2 to set the difference between the current R0 resistance and 100.00 Ω.
This sets the resistance at 0°C for the RJ sensor that will be used (RTD Pt100).
Selectable range for the difference between the current R0 resistance and 100.00 Ω: –1.00 Ω to +1.00 Ω,
default value: 0.00Ω
<<Command Mnemonic>>
:SYSTem:RJC:RESister <
6.6 Setting Reference Junction Compensation