Manual – overview of system
Inccorect done isolation measurement can provoque extensive danger. STEP-Sigriner Elektronik GmbH is
not liable for any damage!
Mainly applies:
Remove the yellow-green bridge circuit between mass (200) and ground (PE)
check wether mass is now free of ground -with ohmmeter
inverters, door control facilities disconnect if applicable.
Is there still connection between mass and ground while bridge (200 to GND) is disconnected,
please check door control devices, light grids, and load detectors. Those devices often has internal
internal ground connections and had to be isolated.
Now an isolation measurement could be executed riskless, as far as it is always measured aginst
Check of run-time monitoring:
In normal mode in menu Commission>Test Menu>Drive T. Test activate. The parameter for the run-time
is now temporarily reduced to 2sec. and a command is send. The elevator starts and should make after 2
sec an emergency stop.
End switch movement:
First set F79 Bit 1 to allow an overrun over the virtual end-switches.
Send elevator in normal mode into uppermost and lowermost floors.
For this activate in menu Commissioning>Test Menu> Up Limit Test or Dn Limit .
The elevator runs now up or down until security loop is opened.
The distance from the levelposition is displayed..
With return-motion control the elevator could be moved over the end switches to test his traction.
F79 Bit1 wieder auf 0 setzen.
Effectiveness of the brakes ( one-sided brake)
Switch in normal mode the power supply to USV ( Service-Panel).
Send elevator from lowermost floor up (via call). When nominal speed is reached push one of the brake-
buttons and hold. Elevator makes emergency Stop, even one brake is disengeged via the button, though
elevator has to stop.
Test the same with the other brake.
Contactor monitoring:
Change with parameter F25 temporarily the Input orientation (NC/NO) for X8 (contactor Motor) and then
X9 (contactor Brake) . control has to detect latest at next move an error and give out error message.
Brake monitoring switch:
Check switches of brake monitoring either through displug or temporarily change of input orientation from
X10 und X11 in parameter F25 .
Seite 48