Manual-overview of system
In the fault Record the last 20 faults are depicted with date, time and which
The newest fault ist always shown at first.
With UP/ down you're moving between the entries in the list. With ENTER a
new window appears with date, time and clear text entries.
The list Shaft Data includes the floor positions which had been determined
during the learning movement in mm. By this you can easily check wether the
positions had been correctly detected during the learning movement.
The windows Encoder Eva und Communication are helpful when problems
with the encoder or CAN-bus occurs.
In the version window date and version number of the firmware are shown.
Before updating you should check wether the update is more actual then the
existing one.
To set parameter in the submenu Para.Select
Via the parameter menu you can acceed on numerous parameters.
There are groups of parameters where the parameters are thematically
arranged. For example motor or door parameters. There is also a list where
parameters are asorted though numbers.
Most of parameters could only be set in inspection -or return motion mode. If
the warning appears switch to inspection mode.
All parameter are set in 16bit integer numbers. Most of them in decimal
numbers together with the unit.
Eg 50 with a setting of 0,1 s means 5 seconds.
Some of the parameters only exist as a bitmask. Depicted is a decimal value,
but as soon you want to set a value the bitmask appears and with left/ right you
can move and set or delete the values.
(* means set, - deleted).
In the lower line appears the description of the Bits.
By this for every input the logic break/ make contact could be individually set.
Seite 9