Manual-overview of system
Initial position: Lift outside of the doorzone
K10 and K11 dropped-out, K12 tightened.
Lift runs in door zone: B178 and B179 get closed successive or simultaneous.
First K10, than K11 activates. K12 drop-out after activation of K11.
R12 and C12 delay the depression of K12 for max. 100ms, in order to make
lock K11 possible.
Lift is leaving door zone: B178 and B179 opens, K10 and K11 depresses, K12 activate.
Possible sources of error:
Action during early opening door
door mopens in doorzone
B178 discontinued/K10not actuated
Pinch off X52.11 or B178
No by-pass.Elevator stops in doorzone
B179 discontinued/K11not actuated
Pinch off X52.12 or B179
No by-pass.Elevator stops in doorzone
B178 hot-äöwired/K10 not depressing
By-passing K178
while leaving door
zone or bypas
between. X52.11 u.
While leaving door zone K11 is depressing. K12 not
actuates the next run K11 is not actuation
anymore Lift make stop at the open door
B179 hot-wired/K11 not depressing
While leaving
doorzone -Bypassing
K179 or bypassing
between X52.12 u.
While leaving door zone K10 is depressing. K12 is
not actuating anymore. At the next run K10 is not
actuating anymoreLift make stop opening door
According to EN81 14.1.1 one single error do not lead to a dangerous operating conditon and will be
recognized, as the lift will make an emergency stop by disconnecting the security circuit while opening the
door within a door zone. In addition there is existing a further monitoring done by the controller.
Dependent up on the re-levelling sensors, which are independent from the door zone sensors, K14 is
In the unlikely case, that both door-zone-sensors by leaving the door zone would be hot-wired, a by-pass outside
of the door zone will be avoided by the circuit via K14.
Additional Monitoring by control
The controller is monitoring via K10, K11, and K12 the security circuit. During the journey the contact chain have
to be closed once inside the door zone and have to be opend once outside the door zone. In case of an error, the
installation will be shut down at the next stop with error message. Part of encoder
Scan control at the security circuit
On the board SM01 F5021 there are 4 inputs for 230V. These are installed according to the requirements of
EN81 at scan controls for security circuits. This is confirmed by TÜV with a confirmation assessment.
Basically the circuit consist of pre-resistors, protection diodes and optocoupler with VDE-approbation.
Seite 45