Manual – overview of system
It is executed the terms accourding to EN81 for a secure disconnection of the 230VAC-page from the
24VDC-page as well as for exclusion of errors
The N-wire of the security contactor , means motor contactor K1 and K2, as well the brake contactor K8
and maybe K8 have to be controlled via the board! At a N-wire-breakage the contactor than have the
necessity of drop-out, independent of the theoretical possible chance of a hot-wire in the optocouplers which may
make a partial by-pass of the security circuit possible
Connect the controller free of voltage! With the continuity checker between N-input terminal and A2 (N-terminal)
of security contactor (K1, K2,K3, K8), check the run.With a pluged JP11(main board) you have a run, with
pultruded JP11 there must not be any run..
Pilot relay
On the board SM01sup (F5021) there are also 4 pilot relays for security contactors . This part of circuit is
also confirmation checked, means it is possible to connect directly the end of the security circle, the
security contactore sources their controller voltage directly out of the security circle.
The security contactors, motor contactors K1 and K2, as well the brake contactor K8 are seperatly
monitored. If there is one of the contactors is not depressed before a journey, the control get
s blocked and
have tho be reseted manually
Monitoring of run
martCom F5021 is monitoring via the encoder of the engine and the re-levelling-sensors the reactions of
the lift in regards on the driving commands to the inverter. If there are signals missing, the drive get
s shut-
down, latest after 20sec. .Restart of journey only possible after reset of the main board.
Advise the lift to drive from the lowest to the topmost stop and do the unplug JP7 respectively JP8 (Encoder-
inputs) at the main board. The lift have to be shut dwon after arround 20 sec.
2. Uninstall 170 or 171 (re-levelling-sensors). After arround 20sec. re-levelling the lift get shut dwon.
You easily can set diving commands via the status window “Call.Func“.For short lifts 20sec. may be a long time
frame. In this case you could reduce temporarily the parameter“Monitoring of journey“ via the menu “parameter-
group F“ in order to simplify the checking
Seite 46