72 •
750-671 [Steppercontroller]
Application example: Filters connected in series: Monoflop 500ms, inverting
and a second monoflop 100ms.
Fig. 2.1.2-18: Filters connected in series: Monoflop 500ms, Inverting and second monoflop
The math function reacts independently of the input bit. The value for this
value can only be set to a value, incremented or decremented using
commands. These commands can be transferred in the mode "Mailbox Move
command", or processed as a component of the downloaded program in the
mode "Program mode". The output is set when the counter has a value other
than zero and is reset when the filter reaches zero. The commands for
modifying the filter can only be used in the function "Math" or "Counters".
In the mode "Counter, up" / "Counter, down" the filter value is raised or
lowered by one for each 0
1 edge of the filter input. The maximum counting
frequency for external signals is 1 kHz; internal signals are normally evaluated
once per program cycle.
The mode "Counter, up, stop" / "Counter, down, stop" behaves in the same
manner as "Counter, up" / "Counter, down", except that counting is halted
when the filter value reaches zero. What this also means is that the filter value
must have a starting value other than zero, with subsequent counting then
performed to zero.