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the PIREG-D2 heats the heating conductor to the temperature of the operating point. Now the actual
temperature of the heating conductor is set as target value. When a low-signal is applied again as "Start”
signal, the PIREG-D2 calculates the correction factors for the single-point temperature coefficient correc-
tion and saves these values, if "Save" was selected as calibration mode. The single-point temperature
coefficient correction using the “Start”/”Heat” option from the Working menu is controlled as described
above. The status of the single-point temperature coefficient correction is indicated by the corresponding
operating status symbols in the symbol field of the Working menu on the display unit (
- manual operation with the external thermometer exTM:
The single-point temperature coefficient
correction is started and controlled as described above. The actual temperature of the heating conductor
is measured with the thermometer exTM which is connected to the RS232 interface of the PIREG-D2.
The PIREG-D2 automatically tries to establish a connection with the thermometer exTM at the beginning
of the singlepoint temperature coefficient correction. As soon as a connection to the thermometer exTM
has been established the measured value is displayed (
- automatic single-point temperature coefficient correction:
The PIREG-D2 must be connected to the
thermometer exTM and the set value for the Tc correction heating time must be greater zero for the au-
tomatic single-point temperature coefficient correction. The heating time is the period until the heating
conductor has reached a uniform temperature in the On-state of the single-point Tc correction. The heat-
ing time is set in the display unit or by command (
5.7.3.). Automatic single-point temperature coeffi-
cient correction is started as described above for manual operation. The PIREG-D2 undergoes the auto-
matic single-point temperature coefficient correction independently and remains in the On state for the
preset heating time.
3.2.11. P-factor correction:
The P-factor correction is used to later correct the calibrated P-factor manu-
ally (
3.2.7.), in the case of the sealing transformer-heat conductor combination or the mains connection
being in highly adverse conditions. The correction range is 30…250 %.
The P-factor correction is set in the display unit or by command (
5.2.5.). The P-factor correction value
is not reset during a calibration process, since it is system-dependent.
3.3. Off-state
In the Off state, the PIREG-D2 continually measures the heat conductor's resistance, calculates its tem-
perature from that and shows the latter in the display as an actual value or issues it as an actual value.
For this purpose, a positive and negative power line half-wave always of the same polarity with a fixed
current conduction angle (1.8 ms at 50 Hz line frequency) is applied to the transformer, for each meas-
urement. The intervals between the measurements depend on the heat conductor temperature. When the
heat conductor has reached a temperature of 20°C, the time between measurements is 1.5 s. At a tem-
perature of 300°C, the time between measurements is only 100 ms.
Since power is introduced to the heat conductor for measuring the resistance, it heats up in the Off state,
depending on the heat conductor voltage.
The controller switches from the Off state to the On state as soon as the “Start” signal is applied. If the
“Calibration Start” signal is applied, the PIREG-D2 switches to calibration mode and returns to the Off
state when calibration has been successful. The PIREG-D2 remains in the Off state, even when the “Cal-
ibration Start” signal is still present (for evaluating the rising edge). A corresponding control is also possi-
ble with the “Start”/”Heat” selection point in the Working menu (
5.2.). Single-point temperature coeffi-
cient correction can be started from the Calibration selection menu of the display unit of the PIREG-D2
when in the Off-state (
3.2.1. Measurement pulse-pause:
In the off state, the measurement pulse-pause can be switched on
and off per command or, if configured, via the control inputs
5.6.2.). When measurement pulse-pause
is activated, the PIREG-D2 stops sending measurement pulses to the sealing transformer in order to de-
termine the temperature of the heating conductor. (from V1.00/1.23/1.30/V1.25)
The actual value output indicates the value determined last. Only the monitoring of the mains voltage and
the device function is still active. All other monitoring functions that relate to the measurement pulses are
The measurement pulse-pause is for applications in which the primary or secondary circuit of the sealing
transformer has to be interrupted during operation without the PIREG-D2 switching to the error state.
With the start of a sealing process, a calibration or a reset, the measurement pulse-pause is automatically
3.2.2. Calibration switching:
The PIREG-D2 offers the possibility to save two calibrations and to switch
between them
(from V1.00/1.23/1.30/V1.25).
The calibration switching is activated by command or by
configuring the control inputs (
5.6.2.). In the off state, a changeover between the two calibrations is
made by command or, if configured accordingly, via the control inputs. For the calibration switchover, a
delay time can be set in which the PIREG-D2 executes a correspondingly long measuring pulse-pause
during the switchover.
The heating conductors of the two calibrations must be the equal for the temperature coefficient, tempera-
ture range and the other calibration settings (
3). A possible temperature coefficient correction is per-
formed separately for each calibration. The PIREG-D2 performs its own calibration for each heat conduc-
tor, which is also stored separately. The validity of the calibration settings is saved for each calibration. If