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3.2.8. Set initialising remanence:
The soft switch-on process is performed by setting the initialising
remanence, in order to connect the sealing transformer after calibration, without current surges. The ini-
tialising remanence setting lasts 80 ms with EI transformers and 300 ms with toroidal core transformers
(at a mains frequency of 50Hz).
3.2.9. Temperature-coefficient correction:
Tolerances in the temperature coefficients can be corrected
by this feature. These result from the dispersion of the metallurgical composition of the heat conductors.
In Calibration Step 9, the heat conductor is heated up in eight temperature stages by the PIREG-D2. The
PIREG-D2 then compares its actual-value temperature with the heat conductor’s actual temperature,
which is transmitted to it as a set value or directly as the value of the external thermometer exTM.
The length of the steps is a result of the selected temperature range. The first temperature step is always
50°C. The temperature of the eighth temperature step is 20% below the final value of the selected tem-
perature range. The six other temperature steps are equidistant between these. For the 300 °C tempera-
ture range, this gives the temperatures 50, 77, 104, 131, 159, 186, 213 and 240°C. For the 500 °C tem-
perature range, this gives the temperatures 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400°C.
The heat conductor's actual temperature must be set as a set value in the display unit or directly reported
back to the PIREG-D2 as a measurement by the external thermometer exTM via the RS232 interface.
Deviations of up to ±20 % between the calculated actual value temperature and the actual temperature of
the heat conductor can be corrected (
5.7.4.). The correction process is controlled by the “Start”/”Heat”
selection point
on the Working menu, the “Start” sinal or by command. When the TK correction heating
period is set accordingly, the correction process can also run automatically.
The three relay outputs of the PIREG-D2 can be programmed to provide a control message to open and
close the heat seal jaw bar, while the temperature-coefficient correction is in process. When programmed,
the chosen relay is actuated after a delay of 250 ms and when the actual temperature has exceeded 95%
of the desired temperature. The chosen relay is released when the heat seal band's actual temperature is
reported back to the PIREG-D2.
The next heat-up stage is approached using the Tc correction control
message with a delay of 250ms to allow the heat seal jaw to open before heating.
The temperature coefficient correction can be saved, so that it does not have to be performed again in the
case of a new calibration process, but only when the heat conductor is changed (
Performing the temperature coefficient correction:
- manual operation:
The heat conductor's actual temperature is reported back to the PIREG-D2 as a set
value. There is a switch to the next temperature heating step, with the rising edge of the “Start” signal.
After the heat conductor has reached a uniform temperature the temperature set as the set value is taken
over as the actual temperature of the heat conductor with the falling edge of the “Start” signal. Operation
can also occur with the “Start”/”Heat”
selection point
in the working menu (
After heating up to the next temperature stage, for the temperature to be accepted it is necessary to wait
until the heat conductor has actually accepted the new temperature. The actual value display and the
actual value output show the PIREG-D2’s corresponding actual value temperature, still uncorrected.
- manual operation with the external thermometer exTM:
The temperature coefficient correction is
also controlled by the “Start” signal resp. the “Start”/”Heat”
selection point
in the working menu, as de-
scribed above. The heat conductor's actual temperature is measured with the thermometer exTM which is
connected to the PIREG-D2’s RS232 interface. The PIREG-D2 automatically tries to establish a connec-
tion with the thermometer exTM at the beginning of the temperature coefficient correction. As soon as a
connection to the thermometer exTM has been established the measured value is displayed (
If the thermometer DTM3000 is using as external thermometer exTM, the PIREG-D2 automatically set
temperature unit to the selected temperature unit of the display unit (
5.8.). Ensure that the same tem-
perature unit is set on the TM6 thermometer and on the PIREG-D2 display unit (
- automatic temperature coefficient correction:
The external thermometer exTM must be connected to
the PIREG-D2 for the automatic temperature coefficient correction and the set value for the Tc correction
heating time must be greater than zero. The heating time is the period until the heat conductor has
reached a uniform temperature at a temperature stage. The heating time is set in the display unit or by
command (
5.7.3.). The PIREG-D2 runs through the automatic temperature coefficient correction on its
own and remains at each temperature stage for the preset heating time