13.1 Maintenance tasks
No special maintenance work is required.
13.1.1 Exterior cleaning
When cleaning the exterior of measuring devices, always use cleaning agents that do not
attack the surface of the housing or the seals.
13.1.2 Interior cleaning
The use of unsuitable equipment or cleaning liquids can damage the transducer.
Do not use pigs to clean the pipe.
13.1.3 Replacing seals
Replacing sensor seals
Seals in contact with fluid must always be replaced!
Only TLV sensor seals may be used: replacement seals
Replacing housing seals
When using the device in a dusty atmosphere:
only use the associated TLV housing seals.
1. Replace defect seals only with original seals from TLV.
2. The housing seals must be clean and undamaged when inserted into their grooves.
3. Dry, clean or replace the seals if necessary.
13.1.4 Adjusting the pressure measuring cell
Expert → Sensor → Sensor adjustment
1. Apply reference pressure to pressure measuring cell.
2. Enter this reference pressure as a value in the Reference pressure parameter
3. Select an option in the Pressure cell adjustment parameter (7754):
Yes option: Confirm entry.
Cancel option: Cancel entry by entering "Cancel".
Discard offset option: Reset offset to 0.
The Pressure cell offset value parameter (7749) indicates the calculated offset value.