2. In the Select medium parameter, select the Steam option.
When pressure measured value is read in:
In the Steam calculation mode parameter, select the Automatic (p-/T-
compensated) option.
4. If pressure measured value is not read in:
In the Steam calculation mode parameter, select the Saturated steam (T-
compensated) option.
5. In the Steam quality value parameter, enter the steam quality present in the pipe.
Without Wet Steam Detection/Measurement application package: Measuring
device uses this value to calculate the mass flow of the steam.
With Wet Steam Detection/Measurement application package: Measuring device
uses this value if the steam quality cannot be calculated (steam quality is not
compliant with basic conditions).
Configuring the current output
6. Configure current output→ See 10.4.5.
Configuring the external compensation
7. With Wet Steam Detection/Measurement application package:
In the Steam quality parameter, select the Calculated value option.
For detailed information on the basic conditions for wet steam applications,
see the Special Documentation.
10.9.2 Liquid application
User-specific liquid, e. g. heat carrier oil
Select medium
Setup → Medium selection
1. Call up the Medium selection wizard.
2. In the Select medium parameter, select the Liquid option.
3. In the Select liquid type parameter, select the User-specific liquid option.
4. In the Enthalpy type parameter, select the Heat option.
Heat option: Non-flammable liquid that serves as a heat carrier.
Calorific value option: Flammable liquid whose combustion energy is calculated.
Configuring fluid properties
Setup → Advanced setup → Medium properties
5. Call up the Medium properties submenu.
6. In the Reference density parameter, enter the reference density of the fluid.
7. In the Reference temperature parameter, enter the fluid temperature associated
with the reference density.
8. In the Linear expansion coefficient parameter, enter the expansion coefficient of
the fluid.
9. In the Specific heat capacity parameter, enter the heat capacity of the fluid.
Sensor version option "mass (integrated pressure and temperature measurement)", Pressure read in via current input/HART/