Optimizing the MS Detector with Your Analyte in APCI/MS Mode
Setting Up the Inlet for Tuning Using High-Flow Infusion
LTQ XL Getting Started
Thermo Electron Corporation
6. Connect an appropriate length of PEEK tubing (transfer line from the
divert/inject valve) from the divert/inject valve to the LC Tee union, as
follows. (See
a. Connect a length of PEEK tubing with a (stainless steel) nut and a
(stainless steel) ferrule to port 3 of the divert/inject valve.
b. Connect the other end of the PEEK tubing with a (brown)
fingertight fitting and a (brown) ferrule to the free end of the LC
Tee union.
7. Connect an appropriate length of PEEK tubing (transfer line from the
LC) from the divert/inject valve to the LC, as follows:
a. Connect a length of PEEK tubing with a (stainless steel) nut and a
(stainless steel) ferrule to port 2 of the divert/inject valve.
b. Connect the other end of the PEEK tubing with a proper fitting and
a ferrule to the outlet of the LC.
8. Connect an appropriate length of PEEK tubing (waste line) from the
divert/inject valve to a waste container, as follows:
a. Connect a length of PEEK tubing with a (stainless steel) nut and a
(stainless steel) ferrule to port 1 of the divert/inject valve.
b. Insert the other end of the PEEK tubing in a suitable waste
The LC plumbing connections are now properly made for APCI/MS
sample introduction from the syringe pump into solvent flow from an LC.