Acquiring ESI Sample Data Using the Tune Plus Window
Setting Up to Acquire MS/MS Data in the Full Scan Type
Thermo Electron Corporation
LTQ XL Getting Started
Figure 40.
Tune dialog box, showing the Collision Energy page
Optimizing the Collision
Energy Automatically for
an MS/MS Experiment
The optimum relative collision energy is the one that produces the
maximum product ion intensity.
Automatically optimize the relative collision energy for the ESI/MS/MS
analysis of reserpine (or your analyte of interest)
1. In the Tune dialog box, on the Collision Energy page (
), click
to start the optimization procedure.
A message box displays the
following message:
Ensure that the 500 microliter syringe is full.
Ensure the syringe contains at least 450
L of the 125 fg/
L reserpine