Chapter 2
Location and Function of Parts
Location and Function of Parts
Keyframe shift section
PREV KF (previous keyframe) button:
Moves to the keyframe immediately
before the position at which the effect
is currently stopped.
NEXT KF (next keyframe) button:
Moves to the keyframe immediately
after the position at which the effect is
currently stopped.
TC/GO TO KF (time code/go to
keyframe) button: Press this button
on its own to move to a keyframe
whose number you enter from the
numeric keypad. Press this button
while holding down the SHIFT button
to move to a position specified by
entering a time code from the numeric
Keyframe editing section
CLR (clear) WORK BUFF (buffer)
button: Pressing this button once
clears only the three-dimensional
transformation parameters held in the
working keyframe buffer. Pressing it
immediately a second time clears the
remainder of the information held in
the working keyframe buffer, and
returns it to the initial state. You can
make the initial state in the setup
menu (see page 10-7).
The working keyframe buffer is an
area of memory which holds the
instantaneous state of the effect.
While the effect is positioned on a
keyframe, this corresponds to the
contents of the keyframe, and while
the effect is between keyframes, to a
result of interpolation.
Pressing this button while holding
down the SHIFT button
in the
keyframe operation section resets all
parameter values in the active window
displayed on the menu screen to their
default values.
UNDEL/UNDO (undelete/undo) button:
Pressing this button on its own returns
the working keyframe buffer to the
state before it was last overwritten.
To remove a keyframe inserted with
the BEFR/INS button, for example,
press this button before carrying out
any other operation.
This button affects operations with the
EFF buttons.
Pressing this button while holding
down the SHIFT button
inserts the
last deleted keyframe at the position
where the effect is currently stopped.
DEL (delete) button: This deletes the
current keyframe. If the effect is
currently stopped between two
keyframes, this deletes the
immediately previous keyframe.
MOD (modify) ALL button: When
amending, deleting or copying
keyframes, you can specify the range
of keyframes to which the operation
For details of how to specify the
range of keyframes to which the
operation applies, see page 7-12.
Keyframe Operation Section