SIG-00-22-02 JUNE 2022 (Revised September 2022)
Version: B.1
Log Setup
Consolidated Logging
If multiple GCPs are present at a site, the Display can consolidate the logs for all these into one.
On the screen shown in Figure 3-165 enter the IP address of the Display where the Event log
and Diagnostic log are to be stored. These may be stored on separate Display Modules.
Figure 3-165 Display Programming Consolidated Logging
Log Verbosity Settings
This page is used to set the verbosity (the detail of the logging) of the Diagnostics, CPU, and I/O
module logs.
For the CP and I/O modules, the default verbosity is 1, the value should be kept at this unless
Siemens requires more detailed log information to diagnose a specific problem.
CP Verbosity: range 1-2, default 1
VLP, Slot 1-6, SSCC IIIi Verbosity: range 1-5, default 1
The Display Diagnostic Log Verbosity controls the detail of logging to the Display module’s
display log. Range Basic, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, default: Info