7SR224 Argus Data Comms
Section 1: Introduction
The relay data communication facility is compatible with control and automation systems, PCs running Reydisp
software, can provide operational information, post-fault analysis, settings interrogation and editing facilities. This
section describes how to use the Communication Interface with a control system or interrogating computer.
Appropriate software within the control system or on the interrogating computer (e.g. Reydisp Evolution) is
required to access the interface.
This section specifies connection details and lists the events, commands and measurands available. For further
information regarding the IEC60870-5-103 interface, reference should be made to the separate Informative
Communications Interface manual (reference 434/TM/5 available from
The Communications Interface for dialogue communications by the Protection Engineer is provided by the
Reydisp Evolution software package, also available from the website, using the IEC60870-5-103 protocol.
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