To return to the operation screen from the calibration parameter screen or menu screen,
press the [ESCAPE] key.
Basic Calibration Screen Operations
(1) In the [REF] field, enter the reference device value. Use the left/right arrow keys to move
the cursor and the up/down arrow keys to change values.
(2) Select [CALIBRATE] (by pressing [1]).
Return to the calibration parameter screen.
Note: Select [DEFAULT] to reset the calibration value to the default value and return to the
previous screen.
Note: Only in the case of the [CALIBRATE] - [FLOW] (flowrate calibration) screen,
[SETPOINT] (calibration point) is indicated as the parameter name.
Flowrate Calibration Screen
Calibration parameter
Value currently loaded in FLD-1 unit
Enter the value from the reference
device here.
Restores default value and
returns to previous screen
Saves entered value and
returns to previous screen
Saves entered value and
returns to previous screen
Restores default value and
returns to previous screen
Flowrate calibration point (fixed at 1.7 L/min)
Flowrate value currently loaded in FLD-1 unit
Enter the value from the reference device