8-4 Measuring in Parallel with the Mass Concentration
Measurement Method
In some cases, mass concentration conversion factors must be measured to improve
measurement precision. Therefore, this product includes a filter holder base so that, using only
this one instrument, mass concentration conversion factors can be determined by comparing
dust concentration values measured using both the scattered light and mass concentration
measurement methods.
8-4-1 Installing
To enable measurements using the mass concentration measurement method, place filter
onto the filter holder base. Select the type of filter based on what is being measured.
Note: Filters are not included with the FLD-1. Please provide them separately.
Types of Filters
TF98 glass fiber filters, PTFE binding, 47 mm diameter, set of 100 (080130-98047)
PM2.5 sampling filters, 47 mm diameter, set of 50, for mass spectrometry (080040-7002)
Filter Installation Procedure
(1) Weigh the filter in advance.
Clean filter weight (CFW) before sampling
(2) Install a filter in the filter holder.
Note: Install the filter in the sequence shown.
Note: The PTFE gasket is unnecessary for PM2.5 sampling filters.
Filter clamp
PTFE gasket
Wire mesh
Filter holder
lower section
Filter holder
PTFE gasket