PY Manual
Copyright © 2006 SANYO DENKI
, Inc.
Amplifier Tuning
The auto-tuning function operates the motor using the Remote Operator and estimates the
load inertia by moving the load and measuring amplifier currents. With this information,
the tuning parameters are automatically set. The four (4) parameters that are set include
position loop gain (Kp), velocity loop gain (Kvp), velocity loop integration time constant
(Tvi) and current command low pass filter (ILPF).
When auto-tuning is performed, a 60Hz peak torque command is applied for 0.5
seconds. This results in forward and backward motion of one or more turns
depending on the load. Use this function only when motor vibrations will not
damage the machine.
If the motor starts vibrating before auto-tuning is performed, reduce the velocity loop
gain (Kvp) and increase the integral time constant (Tvi).
The presence of external current limits may adversely affect the auto-tuning results.
Best Results
Auto-tuning algorithms work best under the following conditions; under other conditions,
manual tuning may be required.
The load inertia, reflected to the motor shaft, is similar to the inertia of the motor
The variations in load inertia and friction are small, i.e., the load is not dynamic.
The system backlash including motor coupling, gear reductions, ball screws, etc., is
small. Backlash is typically measured in degrees and is the distance that the motor
shaft can turn while the load is locked in position.
Results are best when the mechanical system is rigid. Low rigidity systems,
including the coupling, may cause mechanical resonance.
Auto-tuning operation with Remote Operator
Enable test mode operations by setting Func6 bit 6 in mode 2 on page 7 to “1”.
Set the command input to 0.
The remote operator internally controls the brake release.
Turn ON the bus power (R, S, and T).
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