Tel: 886. 909 602 109 Email: [email protected]
125 Hz – 200 Hz
250 Hz – 500 Hz
500 Hz – 1000 Hz
1 kHz – 2 kHz
4 kHz – 8 kHz
8 kHz – 16 kHz
Equation is calculated by the above formulas users choose, and then calculate the final result according to the Equation
formula itself. The range of result is from -10 V to +10 V.
3.6.1 < Output Source >: Setting Output Source
< Disp More> secondary submenu adds two settings, <Range> and <Curve Point>, as is shown in Fig.33.
the corresponding analog level of the channel output X
the corresponding analog level of the channel output Y
the corresponding analog level of the channel output R
the corresponding analog level of the channel output θ
the corresponding analog level of the channel output Xh1
the corresponding analog level of the channel output Yh1
the corresponding analog level of the channel output Rh1
the corresponding analog level of the channel output θh1
the corresponding analog level of the channel output Xh2
the corresponding analog level of the channel output Yh2
the corresponding analog level of the channel output Rh2
the corresponding analog level of the channel output θh2
the corresponding analog level of the channel output E1
the corresponding analog level of the channel output E2
the corresponding analog level of the channel output E3
the corresponding analog level of the channel output E4
the corresponding analog level of the channel output Noise
3.6.2 < Offset & Expand >: Setting the Offset and Expand
Choose the < Offset & Expand> and enter the secondary submenu, as is shown in Fig.36.