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Note that all numeric variables can be expressed in integer, floating point or exponential formats (i.e., the number
five can be 5, 5.0, or .5E1). Strings are sent as a sequence of ASCII characters.
4.2.1 Reference and Phase Commands
The PHAS command sets or queries the reference phase shift. The parameter x refers to the
phase (real number, unit: °). The PHAS x command will set the current phase shift to x°.
The value of x is rounded to 0.01°. The phase can be programmed from -180° to +180°. For
example, send command “PHAS -179.0” and the phase shift will be set to -179°. The
PHAS? command queries the phase shift.
The FMOS command sets or queries the reference source. The parameter i selects external
reference (i=0), internal reference (i=1) or internal sweep reference (i=2).
The FREQ command sets or queries the reference signal. The FREQ?
command will return the current reference frequency (internal or external).
The RSLP command sets or queries the trigger way of reference signal when in external
reference mode.
The parameter i selects <TTL> rising edge (i=0) or <Sine> zero crossing (i=1). When the
frequency is less than 1 Hz, the <TTL> reference must be used.
The SWPT command sets or queries the mode of internal frequency sweep. The parameter i
selects <Linear> (i=0) or <Log> (i=1).
The SLLM command sets or queries the <Start> frequency in internal frequency sweep
mode. The SLLM? command will return the start frequency. The range of f is 0-100kHz
and the minimum resolution is 1mHz.
The SULM command sets or queries the <Stop> cutoff frequency in internal frequency
sweep mode. The SULM? command will return the cutoff frequency. The range of f is
0-102kHz and the minimum resolution is 1mHz.
The SSLL command sets or queries the step frequency in <Linear> internal frequency
sweep mode. The SSLL? command will return the step frequency. The range of f is
0-102kHz and the minimum resolution is 1mHz.
The SSLG command sets or queries the percentage in <Log> internal sweep mode. The
SSLG? command will return the percentage in <Log> frequency sweep mode. The range of
x is 0-100 and the minimum resolution is 0.001. x=50 means that the percentage is 50%.
The STLM command sets or queries the step time in internal frequency sweep mode. The
STLM? command will return the step time of internal sweep mode. The range of i is
1ms-100,000ms and the minimum resolution is 1ms.
The SWRM command sets or queries the running mode in internal frequency sweep
mode. The parameter i selects <STOP> (i=0) , <Single> (i=1) or <Loop> i=2).