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in the <Linear> mode, the <Step> is the step frequency; in the <Log> mode, the <Step> is the
percentage of frequency.
The step time interval of sweep.
Setting the start frequency, cutoff frequency, step frequency and time through keyboard and soft keys. The range of
start frequency and cutoff frequency is from 1mHz to 102kHz. <Start> frequency is 1.000kHz in default and
<Stop> frequency is 5.000kHz in default. The minimum resolution of the frequency is 1mHz. In the <Log> mode,
the minimum resolution of the step is 0.001% of the frequency, and the minimum/maximum resolution of the step
time is 1mS/100S.
<Sweep Run>
Setting frequency sweep running mode
stop sweep
single sweep
loop sweep
When start from <Single> sweep, SE1022 does an internal frequency sweep according to the settings of users.
After that, the status jumps back to <Stop> automatically.
When start from <Loop > sweep, SE1022 does constant loop sweep until users switch the status to <Stop>
3.2.6 < Harmonic>: Setting the Harmonic Detection
The SE1022 allows simultaneous measurement of two harmonics. The harmonic setting interface is shown in
Fig.21 <Harmonic> Secondary Submenu
<Harmonic 1>
Setting harmonic 1. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 32767.
<Harmonic 2>
Setting harmonic 2. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 32767.