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Fig.20 <Sweep> Secondary Submenu
<Sweep Type>
Setting frequency sweep type.
linear sweep type
logarithm sweep type
In the <Linear> mode, the step type is frequency by adding the frequency with the setting step frequency. In the
<Log> mode, the step type is the percentage of frequency.
For example, in the <Log> sweep mode, the sweep step is 10% of the frequency, the start frequency is 1 kHz and
the cutoff frequency is 2kHz. The process of frequency sweep is:
1000.000 Hz
1100.000 Hz
1210.000 Hz
1331.000 Hz
1464.000 Hz
1610.510 Hz
1771.561 Hz
1948.717 Hz
2000.000 Hz
<Sweep Set>
Setting frequency sweep parameters.
the start frequency of sweep
the cutoff frequency of sweep