Gas Tracer Operator’s Manual, CSA Version
Start Up, Normal Mode • 29
9. The Battery Level and Alarm Pattern Screen appears next.
AL -- H indicates latching (hold) alarms and AL -- A indicates self-resetting
(automatic) alarms. The number shown indicates the voltage of the batteries.
A fully charged lithium ion battery pack will display 3.7 V. If the unit is
powered by alkaline (dry cell) batteries, a “D” will appear in front of the “V”
in the lower right corner.
10. The display then indicates the following items for about a second each:
Full scale values for all channels
Warning setpoint (low gas alarm) for all channels
Alarm setpoint (high gas alarm) for all channels
STEL alarm setpoint for the CO channel
TWA alarm setpoint for the CO channel
If the combustible channel is factory set as %volume only, all gas alarms
are turned off. You must press and release the RESET SILENCE button
at the warning, alarm, STEL, and TWA screens to acknowledge that
there are no gas alarms. The warm up will not proceed until you do so.
If the combustible channel is set as %volume only using the HC Range
Screen in Display Mode, it will automatically revert to Autoranging
when it is turned off and on again and the no alarm acknowledgment
screen will not appear.