20 • Optional Accessories
Gas Tracer Operator’s Manual, CSA Version
Optional Accessories
Several optional accessories are available for the Gas Tracer. They include a
rechargeable lithium ion battery pack, battery charging stations, various special
probes, a purge tee fitting, and a dilution fitting. The most commonly used
optional accessories are described below. Detailed instructions regarding the use
of these and other available accessories are included in other parts of this manual.
Data logging accessories are briefly described in “Data Logging” on page 61.
Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery Pack
A rechargeable lithium ion battery pack is available for the Gas Tracer. A fully
charged battery pack will power the Gas Tracer for 10 hours. The batteries will
last for a minimum of 500 charge cycles. See the “Parts List” on page 173 for
ordering information.
Charging Stations
The Gas Tracer lithium ion battery pack is charged with the Gas Tracer charging
station. Two battery charging stations are available for the Gas Tracer, the
standard AC charging station, and a DC charging station with a vehicle plug
AC Powered Charging Station
The standard AC powered charging station consists of an instrument charging
base and an AC adapter. The AC adapter plugs into a 115 VAC wall outlet and
connects to the charging station with a jack on the end of a five foot DC output
cable. The AC adapter will also work for 100 VAC or 220 VAC if an appropriate
plug adapter is provided. The AC charging station is shown below in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Gas Tracer AC Powered Charging Station
Charge LED
AC Adapter
Adapter Jack
Adapter Jack
Top View
Rear View