Common Analysis and Display Functions
User Manual 1179.0116.02 ─ 02
Export all Traces and all Table Results
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Include Instrument & Measurement Settings
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Export all Traces and all Table Results
Selects all displayed traces and result tables (e.g. Result Summary, marker table etc.)
in the current application for export to an ASCII file.
Alternatively, you can select one specific trace only for export (see
The results are output in the same order as they are displayed on the screen: window
by window, trace by trace, and table row by table row.
Remote command:
Include Instrument & Measurement Settings
Includes additional instrument and measurement settings in the header of the export
file for result data.
Remote command:
Trace to Export
Defines an individual trace to be exported to a file.
This setting is not available if
Export all Traces and all Table Results
Importing and Exporting Measurement Results for Evaluation