Getting Started
User Manual 1179.0116.02 ─ 02
Power Key
The power key is on the lower left corner of the front panel. It starts up and shuts down
the instrument.
See also
The front panel provides three female USB connectors (USB-A) to connect devices like
a keyboard or a mouse. In addition, a memory stick can be connected to store and
reload instrument settings and measurement data.
The rear panel provides further USB connectors, including a male (USB-B) connector.
All USB connectors support standard 2.0.
System Keys
System keys set the instrument to a predefined state, change basic settings, and pro-
vide print and display functions.
A detailed description of the corresponding functions is provided in the user manual.
Table 4-2: System keys
System key
Assigned functions
Resets the instrument to the default state.
Provides basic instrument configuration functions, e.g.:
Reference frequency (external/internal), noise source
Date, time, display configuration
LAN interface
Firmware update and enabling of options
Information about instrument configuration incl. firmware version and
System error messages
Service support functions (self-test etc.)
Provides print and screenshot functions
Provides data management functions such as saving and recalling instru-
ment settings or importing and exporting data.
Switches between the on-screen keyboard display:
At the top of the screen
At the bottom of the screen
Provides the selection between applications
Instrument Tour