Getting Started
User Manual 1179.0116.02 ─ 02
The Windows taskbar also provides quick access to commonly used programs, for
example Paint or WordPad. IECWIN, the auxiliary remote control tool provided free of
charge and installed by Rohde
Schwarz, is also available from the taskbar or "Start"
For details on the IECWIN tool, see the "Network and Remote Control" chapter of the
FSMR3 user manual.
All necessary system settings can be defined in the "Start > Settings" menu.
For required settings, refer to the Windows
10 documentation and to the hardware
Logging On
10 requires that users identify themselves by entering a user name and pass-
word in a login window. By default, the R&S
FSMR3 provides two user accounts:
: a standard user account with limited access
(depends on firmware image): an administrator
account with unrestricted access to the computer/domain
Some administrative tasks require administrator rights (e.g. the configuration of a LAN
network). Refer to the description of the basic instrument Setup ([Setup] menu) to find
out which functions are affected.
Secure user mode
If the secure user mode option (R&S
FSMR3-K33) is installed, an additional account is
provided: the
The "SecureUser" is a standard user account with limited functionality. In particular,
administrative tasks such as LAN configuration or general instrument settings are not
available. Furthermore, for a "SecureUser", data that the R&S
FSMR3 normally stores
on the solid-state drive is redirected to volatile memory instead. You can access data
that is stored in volatile memory during the current instrument session. However, when
the instrument’s power is removed, all data in volatile memory is erased.
For details, see
Chapter 9.2, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode"
For all default user accounts, the initial password is
. Note that this password is
very weak, and we strongly recommend that you change the password for both users
after initial login. An administrator can change the password in Windows
10 for any
user at any time via "Start > Settings > Account > SignIn Options > Password >
Preparing for Use