After starting the engine, keep the parking brake
applied and let the engine run at slow idle for
two minutes to allow lubricating oil to reach the
turbocharger. Increase engine speed to fast
idle, using the FAST IDLE switch located on the
dashboard for five minutes without loading the
engine. Monitor the gauges and indicator lights
to make sure all conditions are normal. If an
abnormal condition is observed, stop the engine
immediately and have the condition corrected.
Warning :
Never let the engine run in an
enclosed, non-ventilated area. Engine exhaust
fumes contain dangerous gases which can be
fatal if inhaled. Before warming up the engine,
open the door(s) or move the motorcoach
Note :
The engine will reach normal
operating temperature shortly after driving.
Avoid driving with full throttle until engine coolant
temperature reaches 140°F (60°C).
When the transmission temperature falls below
-20°F (-29°C), the CHECK TRANS telltale light
illuminates after the engine is started. In this
case, the transmission will be locked in neutral
(N) until the transmission temperature rises
above -20°F (-29°C) and the CHECK TRANS
telltale light goes out. The transmission will only
operate in first or reverse gears until it reaches
the normal operating temperature.
In order to avoid damage to solid-state electrical
components, it is important that jumper (booster)
cables be used correctly and only in
emergencies. To jump start, use another 24 volt
DC, negative grounded, power source. Use only
jumper cables rated at 500 cranking amperes.
Note :
To charge batteries using the booster
block terminals, the main power switches must
be turned on.
Warning :
Injury, explosion, battery acid
damage or charging system overload may result
if these jump starting procedures are not
precisely followed.
Warning :
Wear eye protection and remove
rings, metal jewellery and watches with metal
Warning :
The battery could rupture or
explode if jump started when the run-down
battery fluid is frozen or if the battery fluid level
is low. Check condition of run-down battery
before attempting to jump start.
Warning :
The gases given off by batteries
while jump starting are explosive. Do not smoke
near batteries.
Caution :
Do not let the two vehicles touch.
Keep a walk-through distance between the two
vehicles. Make sure positive (red) and negative
(black) jumper cable clamps do not touch.
Caution :
Never connect the jumper cable
to the negative terminal post of the run-down
Caution :
Do not jump start if a
maintenance-free battery has a yellow test
indicator. Have the battery replaced.
Caution :
Before attempting to jump start,
make sure the parking brake is applied and the
transmission is in neutral (N). Turn off all lights,
heaters and other electrical accessories.
To jump start, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the protective caps from the
booster block terminals located in the main
power compartment;
2. Connect one end of the red jumper cable to
the positive (+) post of the booster power
source. If the good battery is in another
vehicle, that vehicle's engine must be shut
before connecting;
3. Connect the other end of the same red
jumper cable to the positive (+) terminal on
the booster block;
4. Connect one end of the black jumper cable
to the negative (-) post on the booster power