Note :
While in the cluster self test mode,
the engine ECU data link is disconnected.
Therefore, the gauges will not function until the
cluster is out of the self test mode. To interrupt
any test, cycle the ignition key off and on.
Bulb Test - Turns
all telltale lights and red
warning LED's in the gauges which have them,
for ten seconds.
Gauge Test - This test causes the pointers in the
tachometer, speedometer, oil pressure, coolant
temperature, fuel and turbo boost gauges to
move from minimum scale to full scale and back,
briefly stopping at mid-scale each way. This
occurs three times. The air pressure and
voltmeter gauges are excluded from the test.
Display Test - To help identify defects in the
graphic display, the display alternates between
all dark and all light for about ten seconds.
Buzzer Test - Sounds each of the three buzzer
signals for ten seconds each.
To access the Cluster Self Test mode:
Use the MODE button to access the
Scroll to the Cluster Self Test menu;
Press the SET button to activate the Cluster
Self Test;
Use the UP/DOWN buttons to display the
desired test (Bulb, Gauge, Display or Buzzer
Activate the test by pressing the SET button.
The test will end automatically.
Set-Up Mode
The set-up mode allows the driver to choose
between US Standard or Metric units, between
12 or 24-hour time display, to set the screen and
odometer brightness as well as the screen
contrast. The fuel economy target value is also
set in this mode.
Note :
Settings are retained when the
ignition is off and also when the battery is
disconnected. If battery power is lost when in the
set-up mode, the instrument cluster will revert to
its default values.
The units function configures the cluster to
display data using US or Metric units.
US Standard - Distances are displayed in miles
temperatures are displayed in Fahrenheit
degrees and fuel consumption is displayed in
miles per gallon.
Metric - Distances are displayed in kilometers,
temperatures are displayed in Celsius degrees
and fuel consumption is displayed in liters per
hundred kilometers.
To configure the cluster for Metric or US units:
Use the MODE button to display the Set-Up
Scroll to Units with the UP/DOWN buttons;
Press the SET button to toggle between
English and Metric.
Clock Mode
The clock mode configures the clock to display
12-hour (a.m./p.m.) or 24-hour time.
To change the clock format:
Use the MODE button to display the Set-Up
Scroll to Clock using the UP/DOWN
Use the SET button to toggle between the
12 and 24-hour time formats.
Contrast Adjust Function
This function adjusts the contrast of the screen.
To adjust the screen contrast level:
Use the MODE button to display the Set-Up
Scroll to Contrast Adjust using the
UP/DOWN buttons;
Press the SET button;
Increase or decrease the contrast using the
UP/DOWN buttons.
Press SET when the contrast is at desired
Note :
Contrast will revert to original level
once the ignition is turned off.
Backlighting Adjust Function