Blood, Urine Or Vomit Stains
Remove such stains by following method 2.
Copying Ink - Ball-Point Pen Ink
Treat with methylated spirits, blotting frequently
to avoid spreading stain, followed by method 2.
Marking Ink (Felt-tip Pens)
Treat with Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone (MEK) followed
by method 2.
Oil, Grease And Paint
Remove excess using a knife. Treat with
method 1 followed by method 2. If stain persists,
repeat procedure.
Rust Stains
Remove rust stains by following method 2.
Apply a warm oxalic acid solution to stained
area. Rinse with water.
Soften tar with benzene, then treat using method
1 followed by method 2.
Chewing Gum
Soften gum with cyclohexane. Carefully scrape
off stains using a sharp knife or razor blade.
Plastic And Vinyl
Clean plastic and vinyl trim using a clean damp
cloth or sponge. For vinyl trim marks, use a
lukewarm all purpose cleaner or a mild saddle
soap. Remove water spots and soap traces
using a clean damp cloth or sponge. Dry with a
clean soft cloth.
Remove grease, tar or oil stains with a clean
cloth or sponge and an all purpose or solvent-
type vinyl cleaner.
Apply a colorless vinyl or leather protective
product to maintain the luster and pliability of the
plastic or vinyl surface.
Clean the inside of the windows with a solution
of one part vinegar to ten parts water.
Stainless Steel
Use a stainless steel cleaner and follow the
manufacturer's instructions. Stainless steel
cleaning solution may be ordered from Prevost
Car Inc. quoting part number 68-0356.
Remove stains on formica surfaces with a
household detergent, methylated spirits or
mineral turps. Clean with a mild abrasive and
water solution if stain persists.
Vacuum carpets regularly to prolong carpet life.
Rubber Components
Use only pure water or glycerin to clean stains
on rubber components.
Caution :
Never use solvents on rubber
Floor Cleaning
Clean floors with a quality nonionic detergent
cleaner. Follow the manufacturer's
recommendations for cleaning.
Remove any excess detergent solution using a
wet/dry vacuum or mop. Rinse floor with a
solution of one part Clorox to ten parts warm
Polish dry floor using a high-speed buffer and a
smooth red 3-M polishing pad.
Mop floor periodically with a solution of 5 per
cent Clorox in warm water.
Frequent washing and waxing of the motorcoach
exterior will help to protect the paint finish. The
paint finish is attacked by the abrasive effects of
airborne particles and damage from corrosive